Purple to orange gradient rectangle.
The image features a red background with white text that reads "Does ZIZO Work?" followed by a line and the subtext "A Look at Beta Feedback."

Does ZIZO Work? Hear from Our Beta Testers

Does ZIZO work? Here at ZIZO we work hard to create a tool that will make everyday tasks easier and more fun! Learning from our users is crucial to the development of our software. Customer feedback gives us the chance to see what is working and what could use some improvement. Recently we went to visit one of our beta testers to see what they had to say. I figured a Q&A would be the best way to give you a little glimpse into what our active users are saying about us. So here they are!


What do you like most about ZIZO?

Overall, many of the agents reiterated how much they love the concept behind it and the direction you are heading in! They find it very helpful having the ability to see all the data in real time as this always keeps you in the know. Visually they think that the app looks very clean and is easy to use. One agent said


“The competition it creates keeps me working harder because I want to win” – Bryan W.


Which feature do you use the most?

To help find out what features are important to the users we asked them what they use the most within ZIZO. To help increase their efficiency we want to know what helps the agents. Most of our beta testers enjoy viewing the reporting. Chris S. stated,


“The reporting helps me keep an eye on my performance and hold myself accountable.”


Other agents said that they use the leaderboard on a regular basis to see where they rank among their peers. The leaderboard shows how you are doing and if you need to step it up.


How often do you use ZIZO?

All of our testers said that they use ZIZO daily and they check it pretty often throughout the day. Hilary G. said,


“I check ZIZO almost every 30 minutes and when I am not actively checking it I have it open on another screen.”


How is the experience navigating ZIZO?

An app is just about useless if people don’t know where to find what they are looking for. It is important to make sure that agents do not waste time looking for data. We want it right at their fingertips for quick and easy viewing. We were pleased to hear that all of the agents at our beta location found ZIZO incredibly easy to navigate. Some saying that no training was necessary because everything flowed so well that it just makes sense.


What is your goal when you use ZIZO?

When logging into ZIZO our agents advised that they rely on us to track trends. With all of the real time data in one place it makes it easy to go back in time and view the reporting. They enjoy having the ability to view numbers from previous months or set a custom time frame (specific week/weeks). Aside from tracking trends users stay logged into ZIZO as a way to monitor their own personal performance. When they close a deal or input something into the system the love seeing how the numbers change and how close they are to achieving their goal.


Describe a situation where ZIZO is the most useful to you.

No one had a specific situation however they all mentioned it helps to keep them on track. They know how the month is going and what needs to be done to improve.


How is your communication with the ZIZO team?

Agents love having so many options to get help if they need it. They have the ability to chat through the app, email, call or setup a video call. One agent advised


“If there are ever any issues or concerns they are always addressed quickly and efficiently.”


Overall, we received great feedback from our beta group. They continue to enjoy using ZIZO and look forward to seeing it grow. In a short amount of time, they have noticed how much it has help them stay motivated and engaged throughout the work day. Our users feel like ZIZO is contributing to their increased success. They are glad that they were asked to be apart of our testing and hope to continue with us as we add more features. To learn more about ZIZO and how we can help you please visit our website at www.playzizo.com – ITS GAME TIME!


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This image shows three stylized 3D avatars standing together: a woman in a black shirt and glasses, a man with a beard wearing a white hoodie, and a woman with curly red hair in a gray sweater.